The story of 551 West 21st Street #4A is one of rarefied ambition and architectural genius, where visionary design meets the pulse of New York’s ever-evolving skyline. Located in the vibrant heart of West Chelsea, this exceptional jewel-box pied-à-terre offers a 2,100 SF+/- residence with an unparalleled living experience, blending classical Brazilian modernism with cutting-edge New York sophistication.
Conceived by Lord Norman Foster's celebrated firm, Foster + Partners, in collaboration with Scott Resnick of SR Capital, this iconic property stands as a testament to the collaboration between visionary architects and legacy-driven real estate developers. The building rises majestically along the Hudson, its geometric, angular facade crafted from brilliant white precast concrete and polished brass—an architectural statement that complements its revered neighbors, including the Statue of Liberty, just blocks to the south.
The seamless integration of architecture and design is evident within the residence. Inspired by modernist influences from São Paulo, Brasil and Manhattan, #4A, named "Pau Brasil," offers an elegant 2 bedroom, 2 full and 1 half bathroom layout. The home begins with a gracious foyer to welcome guests and is distinguished by bespoke finishes and meticulous craftsmanship by J. Mansfield of WV GC.
Situated at the intersection of the Chelsea Arts District and Hudson Yards, 551 West 21st Street #4A is just a stone’s throw from the High Line and steps away from the city’s most celebrated galleries, restaurants, and cultural institutions. In this rarefied location, the art of living reaches its highest expression. Just steps away from Chelsea Waterside Park—an 800’+/- stroll where nature and design harmonize—this vibrant urban oasis, redesigned by landscape architect Thomas Balsley in 2023, offers a dog run, recreational fields, a basketball court, and lush walking paths. The park is a sanctuary where you can retreat into nature, with mature trees and herbaceous planting beds providing a tranquil setting in the heart of the city. For those who expect more from life and every aspect of their home, 551 West 21st Street #4A presents an unparalleled opportunity. Whether enjoying a short drive to the BLADE Helipad, just 6–10 minutes+/- away, or a leisurely 15 minute+/- walk to the luxury boutiques of Gansevoort, the residence offers unrivaled convenience. This is more than just a home; it’s a lifestyle curated for the most discerning few.
Every inch of the 2,113SF+/- home is a nod to refined elegance and cutting-edge design, from the signature hand-milled, custom-stained slatted walls crafted in upstate NY to the custom walnut cabinetry and honed vanilla leather travertine finishes. Brazilian modern influences are evident throughout, with white oak flooring and honed stone accents that evoke both warmth and luxury. The home’s open layout bathes in natural light, with floor-to-ceiling windows, including integrated light-filtering shades, framing iconic city views. Custom millwork and built-in features, such as the Ikonni slatted walls in the living areas and the bespoke walnut vanity in the primary suite, add a personalized touch to every room. Fully integrated technology ensures comfort and convenience at every turn.
Notably, #4A is the perfect expression of discreet luxury and function. The kitchen, designed for culinary artistry by Obumex, offers an uncluttered living environment while providing ample flexibility for entertaining. It features a custom walnut banquette and breakfast table, as well as top-of-the-line Gaggenau, Sub-Zero, and Miele appliances.
The living spaces exude warmth and comfort, with built-in furnishings by Molteni & Co., unique to this apartment, and enhanced by perimeter and recessed lighting channels. Superior storage, designed by the Brazilian closet company Ornare, adds a seamless and distinctive touch throughout.
The dining area, with seating for 6+ guests, seamlessly connects to the living room, which showcases the signature Ikonni slatted wall design.
The primary suite serves as a peaceful sanctuary, with custom dual walnut nightstands and a walnut double vanity, topped with luxurious Ombra Nero-honed stone, which continues into the large walk-in shower. Floor-to-ceiling built-in doors cleverly conceal multi-purpose clothes arrangements.
The primary suite serves as a peaceful sanctuary, featuring custom dual walnut nightstands and a walnut double vanity, topped with luxurious Ombra Nero-honed stone. A dedicated seating area creates the perfect nook for unwinding, while large windows flood the space with natural light. The room’s focal point is the custom walnut vanity with integrated drawer pulls, a custom stain color, and a Rubio Monocoat finish. Floor-to-ceiling built-in doors cleverly conceal multi-purpose clothes arrangements, and a signature Ikonni slatted wall enhances the overall design.
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