Please contact the sales team to schedule an in-person appointment or guided virtual tour.
Best Value for New Development on UWS
New pricing and up to 10 years of sponsor subsidized maintenance make 269 West 87th Street unequivocally the best new development value on the Upper West Side.
Gracefully blending the very best of classic pre-war architectural integrity, with state of the art modern convenience and luxury, 269 West 87 Street with architecture and design by acclaimed FXCollaborative and Champalimaud defines the new standard of spacious, impeccably designed homes- at unprecedented value- ideally situated in the heart of the Upper West Side.
Apartment 9A is a true four bedroom home of approximately 2,750 square feet, thoughtfully conceived to offer a discreet separation of public and private living space, with two distinct wings of entertaining space and four bedroom suites.
The formal entry foyer leads to the gallery with Nuvolato marble powder room, and graciously opens to the vastly proportioned approximately 500 square foot corner living/dining room with soaring ceilings and oversized double glazed casement windows. Pocket doors reveal an eat-in Smallbone of Devizes kitchen with hand painted white lacquer cabinets, resplendent with Arabesco light ash stone countertops and backsplash, Wolf vented stove and microwave, Miele dishwasher, Sub-Zero refrigerator and wine cooler.
The luxurious primary suite features two walk-in closets, an additional reach-in closet, a spacious dressing area, and a gleaming Bianco Dolomiti marble en-suite bathroom with Dornbracht polished nickel fittings, double vanity, a walk-in shower, and a Kohler cast-iron soaking tub. The bedroom wing offers two spacious en-suite bedrooms overlooking charming brownstones, with generous closets, and white polished marble baths. The fourth bedroom is ideally positioned as an en-suite guest bedroom or study, facing south over 87th Street.
Desirable features and finishes include hand-laid white oak wide plank solid wood flooring, multi-zone climate control, 10 foot high soaring ceilings, dramatically scaled casement windows welcoming abundant natural light and an in-unit full size washer and dryer.
West End and Eighty Seven boasts a luxurious amenities package that includes a 24 hour concierge, a peaceful library retreat with a fireplace and a private book collection, a state-of-the-art fitness center, a landscaped courtyard with a living green wall, a children's playroom, a multipurpose recreation space for basketball, soccer, and rock climbing, a laundry room with commercial-grade washers/dryers, bicycle storage, and private storage rooms.
Ideally positioned between Riverside and Central Parks, West End and Eighty Seven is mere moments away from an array of restaurants, cafes and shopping along with every other convenience including a garage directly across from the building. Entertaining and cultural options include the Museum of Natural History, the Children's Museum and a multiplex cinema. Pets are welcome, and there are no restrictions with regard to subletting and financing- providing purchasers with all of the freedoms and convenience of condominium ownership.
Purchasers should refer to the Seventeenth Amendment to the Offering Plan for a full description of the terms and conditions of the maintenance subsidy program (including without limitation eligibility requirements and special risks). No representation or guarantee is made that the sponsor-subsidized maintenance will completely subsidize the full amount of monthly maintenance for the duration of the program. All dimensions and square footages are approximate, are subject to normal construction variances and tolerances, and exceed usable floor area. All depictions of personal or cooperative property (including without limitation all furniture, decorations, and other staging) are for illustrative purposes only and are not included in the conveyance. Views vary and are subject to obstruction in the event of future construction of neighboring buildings. Where materials, equipment, finishes, fixtures, appliances, and/or other construction or design details are specified or depicted, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute in each instance one of comparable or better quality as recognized by industry standards for performance, efficiency, longevity, and/or classifications, as applicable. Pricing, common charges, and other information are current as of May 18, 2021. Sponsor reserves the right to make changes in accordance with the terms of the Offering Plan. Sponsor makes no representations or warranties except as may be set forth in the Offering Plan.
Údaje poskytnuté společností Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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Jistina + úrok
Daň z nemovitosti
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Hypoteční pojištění
Měsíční platba
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Přihlaste se nebo si zaregistrujte účet Keller Williams ještě dnes a získejte přístup k exkluzivnímu obsahu a další podpoře od místního agenta Keller Williams®!
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Seznam Kategorie
Na prodej
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
4 lůžka
5 koupele
Dny na místě
927 Dny
Rok postavený
Poplatky HOA
Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Interiérové prvky
Central Air
Washer Dryer Allowed
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