A Meticulously Renovated Bedford Stuyvesant Limestone Townhouse
This exquisite limestone home in the heart of Bedford Stuyvesant has been impeccably renovated with no expense spared. Showcasing the beauty, heritage, and spirit of the neighborhood, this property effortlessly blends original architectural details with modern upgrades, offering spacious and luxurious living. Rarely do homes of this quality and craftsmanship become available.
Timeless Living Spaces The elegance of this home begins in the front parlor, where oversized windows fill the room with light and Noguchi fixtures adorn the ceiling throughout. From there, the layout features parquet de versailles wood floors that flow seamlessly into the center parlor, which showcases intricate original oak and restored leaded glass built-ins and a striking wood-burning fireplace. The rear parlor, currently used as a formal dining room, is an inviting space adorned with full-height oak wainscoting and stately ceiling beams, perfect for family gatherings and entertaining.
A Chef’s Dream Kitchen & Outdoor Haven The lavishly appointed chef’s kitchen is both stylish and functional, boasting sleek custom black wooden cabinetry, top-of-the-line built-in Fisher & Paykel appliances, a full-size wine refrigerator, and abundant storage. A Japanese and Scandinavian aesthetic pervades the space and a custom clay fixture hand thrown in Bogota adorns the corner. The stunning patterned flooring emits radiant heat through restored tiles originally used in a turn of the century hotel in Brooklyn, while a casual dining area leads to a private rear deck overlooking the landscaped backyard—an ideal space for hosting or relaxing. The entire kitchen and dining area is outfitted with floor to ceiling windows and a back wall that opens completely to allow open air dining.
Luxurious Bedrooms & Retreats The serene primary suite serves as a quiet sanctuary, featuring two spacious walk-through closets and a Moroccan-inspired ensuite bathroom with handmade zellige tiles and radiant heat floors, a dream bath crafted in Italy and luxurious bath fixtures from the United Kingdom. A skylight enters the bathroom traveling through two floors with custom stained glass inserts and providing a daily moment for awe and mediation. Two additional rooms on this level, currently used as home offices, open onto a large rear terrace that’s bathed in natural light and offers an ideal gardening opportunity.
The third floor offers two more bedrooms, including one with an ensuite shower room. This floor also features a luxury bathroom with an original cast iron soaking tub, a library, a home gym, and a full laundry room, catering to every lifestyle need. All bedrooms across the floors feature Noguchi light fixtures as well as custom and restored glass inserts, centuries old wood and handcrafted plaster. No detail was too minimal in this loving renovation.
And the renovation not only showcases a true and refined aesthetic taste, it goes into the nuts and bolts of the architecture. This stunning home boosts all brand new twist-and-turn, triple-pane windows custom-made in Europe, removing all city noise and creating a truly quiet interior sanctuary. All of the electric, plumbing, heating and gas upgrades have been done to the highest level to serve its inhabitants with comfort and ease. Even the radiators have been restored and updated with Castrads’ fine craftsmanship. This all-encompassing luxury must be experienced to be understood.
The private 2-bedroom, 1-bath garden-level rental features a smart split-bedroom layout, with both rooms accommodating king-sized beds, ample furniture, and excellent closet space. The rear bedroom boasts a charming corner window overlooking the backyard, while the front bedroom is highlighted by a classic bay window. A renovated bathroom adds a spa-like touch with its sleek shower stall and built-in tile cutout for toiletries, perfectly blending functionality with relaxation.
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36 Dny
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