Loft Building with Elevator on Prime East Village Block
Presenting 180 Second Avenue, a newly constructed 7 story loft building located on a prime East Village block, between East 11th and East 12th Streets. Built on the footprint of a former Polish-American social club, this 25 foot wide elevatored building makes a striking modernist statement, with its mid-century inspired concrete frame and open loggias floating above a historic stretch of Second Avenue. The building's design reflects a commitment to sustainability, and each of the residences is constructed to conform to Passive House standards, while the bulkhead is designed to accept solar panels for water heating. Environmentally friendly features include European triple-pane windows, energy-saving airtight interiors built to prevent mold and condensation, advanced air filtration and high-performance ventilation with individual ducts for each residence.
The entire 10,500 +/- sf (approx.) building is being delivered as a "white box", with all major structural, electrical, plumbing, hvac and mechanical elements in place, including a new high speed elevator with virtual doorman. The finishes, including all appliances, fixtures and flooring are being left for the buyer to complete according to their requirements.
180 Second Avenue presents a compelling opportunity with three potential end uses:
—All or part of the residential portion of the building could be owner-occupied, with the remainder rented for income; —As an attractive income-generating asset, by renting out the entire building; —As a development project, by filing for conversion to a mixed use condominium with commercial on the ground floor and 6 residential units above (subject to the necessary approvals).
As currently configured, the building consists of a ground floor commercial space (under lease to an established restaurant/bar operator, expected to take possession in 2024), four vacant full floor 2 bedroom/2 bath apartments, one full floor 1 bedroom/2 bath apartment and a loft-like studio space with full bath on the top floor. Each of the residences boasts at least one private outdoor space, affording stunning views of the city or of the tree-filled courtyard in back. A generous garden adjoining the commercial space and a spacious roof terrace with open city views all the way to the art deco towers of Union Square and the Chrysler building complete this offering.
A description of each of the floors follows: Ground Floor Plus Cellar Currently under lease to an established local restaurant/bar operator with possession expected to occur in 2024. The lease term is approximately 9 years. The ground floor includes access to a 25' by 34' private walled garden. The cellar below this floor is dedicated to prep areas, storage, 2 powder rooms and mechanicals.
Floors 2-5 Each of these identically configured floors consists of a full floor loft with two bedrooms and two full bathrooms, as well as a spacious open loggia and glass-enclosed solarium with views to the West, North and South.
Floor 6 This floor consists of a full floor 1 bedroom/2 bathroom apartment with terraces on both the West and East sides.
Floor 7 This floor consists of a loft-like space with a full bathroom and kitchenette; it could be used in combination with the floor below as a home office, creative space or as an additional residence.
Roof The roof consists of a generous paver-lined terrace with extraordinary views in all directions. The roof also contains a bulkhead for the elevator, stairwell and mechanicals; the bulkhead is designed to accept solar panels for water heating purposes.
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