Your dream of living ON Cobble Hill Park has finally come true. This enchanting brownstone, built in 1857 by local builders Richard Whipple and mason John Barter, features a unique garden that opens to the mews on Verandah Place, and now awaits a new steward to take it into the 21st century in style. Built as a group of three elegant homes along the park on Congress Street, under a broad and distinguished corniced roofline, this rarely seen Anglo-Italianate style townhouse allows for wide rooms that belie its 16.67' width. A flowing center staircase accommodates generous rooms in front and back that take full advantage of the width of the house, bringing in light all day long and offering wonderful proportions for gracious living.
In addition to the wide and airy rooms and historic details throughout, you will also enjoy four full floors of living space that are easily accessible through a distinctive low stoop for easy access with groceries and strollers. Currently configured as two duplex units, this home easily converts back to a sizable one-family home with a guest room and family room on the lowest level, a Great Room with kitchen and dining on the parlor floor, an incredible primary suite and home office or nursery on the third floor, and three additional bedrooms with two baths on the top floor. Bring your architect to explore the possibilities, or let us show you some sample floorplans that we have created.
Period details remain intact throughout and will inspire you to restore this home to its original grandeur both inside, and out. Examples of the distinctive Anglo-Italianate period include a striking front door with rope-molding trim and an elegant keystone segmented brownstone fa ade. Head indoors where oversized floor-to-ceiling windows, soaring ceiling heights, and a dramatic sweeping staircase with hand-carved banisters lure you up to the jaw-dropping stained glass oculus skylight on the top floor. Indulge your love of plasterwork with stunning examples that include ceiling medallions, picture moldings, extra deep base moldings, and intricate dentil crown moldings still intact on the third floor. Multiple fireplace mantles also remain intact on every floor, with examples ranging from the original brick hearth, to Carrara marble and limestone mantles upstairs.
The rich history of this property is only just the beginning. Enjoy a leafy-green view from every window in the house, including south-facing garden vistas towards the carriage houses on Verandah place, or the low-rise but grander homes on Congress Street. The magical garden enjoys bluestone hardscaping and surrounding planting beds just waiting for your personal touches. Even more unique is the ability to enter the home through the garden on the Verandah Place side OR from the front door on Congress Street, making gardening or a quick dog walk to Cobble Hill Park a breeze.
Walk one block in every direction and you will enjoy every amenity for which Cobble Hill has become so beloved, including Court Street, Atlantic Avenue, Smith Street and Michelin rated restaurants, coffee shops, schools, boutiques and galleries. Every subway line is accessible a stone's throw away at Borough Hall, or the F train at Bergen Street. And when you are done enjoying Cobble Hill Park for the day, head over to Brooklyn Bridge Park for a stroll, and easy Ferry access too. Cobble Hill is a delightful haven filled with architectural and cultural treasures unlike any other neighborhood in New York. Situated close to Manhattan, but feeling miles away with its open sky and well-tended green spaces. A myriad of world-class institutions accessible by foot include St. Ann's, Packer, Friends, PS 29, and Montessori. Dining and provisions are unrivaled too and include Staubitz, Trader Joe's, La Vara, Hibino, Saint Julivert Fisherie, Colonie, and Long Island Bar, to name just a few.
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