A rare 3 bedroom B-line apartment is now available at 130 West 12th Street, adjacent to the Greenwich Lane complex. The 1941 building was in 2012 reimagined and developed by the Rudin family as an independent prewar condominium. Owners have access to a private on-site gymnasium to the Greenwich Lane Fitness and Wellness Center and 25 meter (82 foot) swimming pool.
The thoughtfully designed floorplan includes nearly 2,000 interior square feet. More than 60 linear feet overlook a charming tree-lined block in the heart of the Greenwich Village Historic District. Abundant natural light streams through oversized Art Deco inspired thermal casement windows. A four-pipe HVAC system provides each room with zoned climate control. The design successfully marries classic prewar elegance with every modern convenience.
A Foyer leads to a large central Gallery providing a gracious separation of the public and private spaces of this special home. The expansive open-plan Living/Dining Room, features 2 oversized casement windows and rich chevron patterned oak flooring. The design is ideally suited for entertaining a large group or hosting an intimate meal. The spacious windowed Eat-In Chef’s Kitchen adjoins both the Living/Dining Room and Gallery and is perfect for entertaining yet practical for everyday use, with Viking, Sub-Zero and Miele appliances, sleek white Glassos countertops and a 6-burner stainless steel stove. A well-proportioned center island with seating contains a microwave and wine refrigerator.
The generous Primary Bedroom, overlooking the historic homes of a verdant West 12th Street, includes a walk-in and a double closet, each with custom built-in storage, and a south-facing en-suite Primary Bathroom with radiant-heated floors, a large walk-in shower, dual sinks set in a white marble topped vanity complemented by hand-crafted Lefroy Brooks fixtures.
Two additional Bedrooms, each with custom built-in storage, are convenient to a Second Bathroom. A well-placed Powder Room, a Laundry, Linen Closet and a deep Guest Closet complete this compelling floorplan. This exceptionally beautiful home is offered in pristine, turn-key condition with striking 21st century interiors and luxurious finishes throughout.
Exemplary security and service is consistently provided by a full-time Resident Manager and 24-hour attended Doorman and Concierge staff. Building amenities include a first floor windowed Fitness Center and a landscaped Roof Deck with panoramic views of the city skyline and the Hudson River. Residents have full access to the La Palestra managed Greenwich Lane Fitness Center, with training and weight facilities, yoga, Pilates and treatment rooms, a 25-meter swimming pool with hot tub, and high-end golf and multi-sport simulator.
The Rudin family’s renovation of the building and the residential interiors was led by Cook + Fox Architects, an award-winning firm focused on sustainable design with significant experience in the restoration of historic properties. 130 West 12th Street was the recipient of the 2012 Sustainable Design Award by Global Green USA for design and sustainable redevelopment. In addition, the building was at that time awarded the LEED-NC Gold Certification from the US Green Building Council (USCBC). Jed Johnson Associates, Inc., an internationally recognized interior design firm, designed the lobby and corridors. The monthly amenity fee is $321.80.
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